And... it just now
hit me. Football season is over.
I was playing
Terraria, and had this overwhelming urge to check my phone, because I
needed to know if any of my players were going to be on Thursday
Night Football.
Then I realized-
NFL's not here. It won't be here for a long time. Not until we know
who the NCAA champion is, not until we know who the NHL champion is,
not until the Warriors beat the Spurs in a great series, and then
demolish whoever the Eastern Champions are.
It all just came
rushing at me. My debit card will expire before I watch the Broncos
play again. I'll already have an opinion about Captain America:
Civil War. I'll be wondering about the recently released trailer for
Doctor Strange. We'll be watching Hillary and Drumpf compare dick
sizes in national debates.
What makes this
worse is that I know that it will never be as good as last season.
Not only did my team win the big game, but Peyton Manning probablydidn't sexually assault a person! Von Miller attempted to sodomize Tom Brady!
Cam Newton cried! A lot! And if that wasn't awesome enough, I
played in four fantasy football leagues, won two, and placed in
And as I realized
this, It hit me: I need a fix. I need something to dilute the
anguish. American football is like my heroin- except people who sell
heroin tend to be less two-faced. I'm sick. I need
Enter baseball.
I've talked plenty
of shit about baseball before, but if I search my heart, I don't
actually have anything against the game, except for the same dipshit
arguments that every other baseball hater's ever had.
Yes, the games are
too long, just like the season is too long. Yes, there's a whole
bunch of bullshit when it comes to performance enhancing drugs. Yes,
A-Rod hasn't been tied to a train track yet.
But really, it's an
amazing game. It's like watching soccer- not a lot happens in the
interim. You'll get the typical shit- your pop fly here, your beaned
batter there. Somebody might drive a double every now and again.
This isn't awesome in a vacuum, certainly. It's like a balloon that
fills, and fills, and just looks like it's only going to get bigger
and stretch thinner.
But then, there's
that play. When
Babe called the shot, when Reggie hit three homers, when Randy Johnson destroyed a bird, and Steve Bartman's entire life past 2003.
remember when I was a kid, my folks took me to see a Texas Rangers
game. I got to watch Frank Thomas play, although he was getting on
in his career. I think the White Sox were up. That's when Pudge
Rodriguez went yack on a fastball, a three-run homer.
balloon popped. He did it again that game, and the Rangers won.
People went apeshit.
have a Texas Rangers shirt my dad bought me, Cinco de Mayo, 2006. It
says “Los Rangers” on the front. The armpits are brown, verging
on Green. I love that shirt, and
I'll be devastated
when somebody finally burns it for the safety of everyone who lives
within a mile of it.
I was in the hospital, I kept score by
hand while watching the
Rangers play in the world series against the Cardinals. I
remember screaming at a TV by myself when Texas got within a pitch of
winning the whole thing, and blew it.
hopefully, this sport can maybe Spackle
over the hole in my soul that develops between the beginning of
February and the end of September.
here's the problem: I know nothing about baseball. I could name
maybe five current
players. If I'm going to properly appreciate another soulless cash
grab of a sport, I need to know the game, if for no other reason, to
find out who I hate and who I can blame for it. And
if I'm going to do that,
I need to do it the same way I've learned basically anything else-
the routine of staring at my
phone to see if I'll owe my friends money.
Good thing there's already a game just
like that- fantasy baseball.
the person who is unfamiliar with fantasy
sports, the basic gist is this: through one system or another, you
“draft” a set of players, and
they get assigned scores that correspond with how they do in their
games. You compete against a bunch of people who have teams, and the
winner usually gets bragging rights, and the grand prize, which more
often than not is spending months trying to get the money that's
rightfully yours back from
the person who spent it on rent within a month of everyone finally
paying up.
I'm in no way trying to document my shittiness and lose
money in the process, I'm just going to participate in a free ESPN
the worst that can happen?
is a rotisserie league (I've
spent 10 minutes reading about scoring systems and I'm still not sure
what that is) twelve teams,
and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. (Prepare yourselves:
these are actual thoughts I had during the draft, meaning that there
will be, from here on, gratuitous usage of the word “fuck.”)
1. Who the fuck are
all of these people?
2. These statistics
make no fucking sense. WHIP? SLG? IBB? HBP? Are these statistics
or stock symbols?
3. Walked batters
and hits per inning pitched seem like they should be integers- how
the fuck is it somewhere between 0.9 and 1.1?
4. ESPN shows a
picture of every player you can draft, but they're tiny and
completely useless. Why in the entire fuck are these people wearing
hats? Would they do this shit with football player helmets? Is it
racist to say I'm having a hard time telling these Latin baseball
players apart because of the minuscule pictures and I can't see their
5. I'm feeling good
about my first two picks: Carlos Correa and Edwin Encarnacion. I'm
wondering if I can make a team that only has double initials? CC and
EE- good start. What could I call this team? The default is Team
Wellborn, but I refuse to bring my family's name into the middle of
this. How about the Awesome Alliteration Alliance? (Look who's
playing Triple-A ball! I bet if nothing else, I'll come up with the
best team slogan in the draft and oh shit it's my turn to draft
6. If I'm just
worried about alliteration, would Corey Kluber count? I feel like
Carlos Gomez is a stretch.
7. Should I have
drafted a pitcher by now?
8. Had to draft
Carlos Gomez, because some awful little shit I'm playing against
drafted Manny Machado. OK, fine. Only players whose names either
contain some vague alliteration and/or Adams Family members. There
has to be a baseball player named Wednesday or Pugsley, right?
9. I could be
searching for tips on drafting fantasy baseball teams. Instead, I'm
trying to see if anyone in baseball is named Lurch.
10. Really? Nobody
in baseball has a name that starts with “It” or “Fester?”
11. Goddammit,
there's a Freddy Freeman right at the top of the list, but I already
have a first base player. Besides, he looks like a Nickleback fan.
12. I drafted
Prince Fielder because I like his smile. Totally not gay, right?
Besides, I'm good on pitchers, but I need a catcher. Preferably
somebody who's good with the stick and doesn't have any problems
getting to third base.
13. Everyone in
baseball has a name that's either vaguely Italian or could be
co-opted by a Drag Queen. Especially if that one guy's name is
pronounced “You-is Familia.”
14. I needed a
second baseman, and I actually know who Ian Kinsler is. Boom. Plus,
it looks like his head's gotten three times larger since the last
time I saw him. If he's on my team, he better be doing the “effective but
undetectable” kind of PED's. Or, at least, the “totally obvious
but untestable” kind.
15. I got a team
name: “Performance-Enhancing Drags.”
16. I was busy
trying to find John Fogerty's “Centerfield” when I realized what
I actually wanted to listen to was “Centerfold” by the J Geils
Band. While that happened, I auto-drafted Jacoby Ellisbury, an
outfielder, when I'm pretty sure I need a third base player.
17. I had to double
check this, because I wasn't sure, based on the information we get on
the ESPN draft application. It turns out this statistic is
completely true: Trevor Rosenthal looks like a fucking pedophile.
18. In his player
photo, Jeff Samardzija looks livid, like
he's on the verge of going super-saiyan and destroying Earth.
He's staring straight into my
soul. I wonder if
it's because
he knows I have no idea what I'm doing, or that I don't know how to
pronounce his name.
Daniel Murphy apparently plays for Washington, but ESPN has his
picture in a Mets uniform. It's like they've just said “Dude,
you're on your own, because
we can't keep track
of this shit either.”
Smyly? Is that seriously your last name? I bet
your favorite movie is “The
of Happyness.”
Is it racist that I haven't drafted a Japanese player yet? Wait,
Shin-Soo Choo Korean?
Nevermind. The guy who drafted him hasn't drafted anybody but white
people. Yeah, way to be inclusive, dickhead.
I drafted Jung Ho Kang
because I thought I needed a third baseman/short stop, and then
realized I wasn't looking at my team, but
the guy who drafted Shin-Soo Choo a second ago.
I bet Jeff Samardzija isn't
very happy.
![]() |
Nope. |
Michael Pineda is wearing his hat sideways, and... struck out 171
people last year? Get the fuck on my team, Michael. Welcome to the
Performance Enhancing Drags. Welcome, and I'm sorry.
Have you seen Justin Turner smile? I just got scared into drafting
him, whom
I didn't need, because I
thought he might
eat my soul from my computer screen. Seriously. He should be
a character model for a Five
Nights at Freddy's sequel.
So after a quick Google
search, it would seem that I'm about four pitchers behind how many I
should have at this point. I bet at this point, Samardzija isn't
even mad anymore- just disappointed. Just yell at me, Jeff. Don't
hold it over my head.
![]() |
Why can't you be more like your sister? |
ESPN is really, REALLY trying to get me to draft Carlos Santana. I
want to draft
a player named Zakk Wylde out
of spite. Don't try and tell me how to ruin my fantasy team OR my
rock band, ESPN.
Wait, there's a pitcher named motherfucking RODON? AND
I once went to
a triple-A game in
Albuquerque where a girl got
hit in the head
by a bee-line
foul ball. I knew the ball boy, so he threw me that ball when it
rolled back into the field. I feel like this will be a perfect
analogy of my fantasy baseball experience- I'll get smacked out of
nowhere by some asshole and whatever minuscule
I may have gotten will get tossed to some jackass because he was more
familiar with the game than I was.
I passed on Luis Severino because I needed another outfielder.
Probably a good thing. I'm sure my girlfriend would murder me after
the 10th
time I said “Heidely
ho, Severino!”
I love names like
“Wellington Castillo.” I imagine he likes eating tacos, followed
by a whole mess of English
muffins. I
didn't put him on the bench intentionally, mind you.
I hope there's a baseball
player named “Sir Chadingshire
I can throw on the team- who
else is Wellington going to eat flan with during tea time?
Man, not to harp on this, but baseball players have some crazy-ass
names. Should I draft Cory Spangenberg,
Brad Boxberger, or Kevin Quackenbush? I wonder if professional
team scouts give you extra
points if you have a name that Gary
Busey would give a
pet turtle.
am I glad that's over.
Here's the full roster, in all of its mediocrity:
Here's the full roster, in all of its mediocrity:
God help me.
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